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新冠病毒疫情下, 在欧中企法律须知

1. 欧洲普遍因新冠病毒疫情进入紧急状态

General state of emergency in Europe due to  the novel coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19)




(1) 雇主可以申请短时工作津贴。该津贴由政府出资,允许缩短工作时间,从而帮助避免裁员及公司破产。

(2) 雇主可申请条件宽松的延缓纳税,帮助改善公司的流动性。

(3) 暂停履行法律规定的限期申报破产的义务(《德国破产法》第15a条规定,应在资不抵债或丧失清偿能力发生后三周内申报破产),有效期至2020年9月30日。



Public life in Europe is currently heavily restricted due to the coronavirus epidemic. There are extensive travel restrictions within the European Union (entry bans for non-EU citizens) and the Union’s external borders are closed. Some countries have imposed nationwide curfews. Shops and schools are closed in almost all European countries. 

These restrictions have a significant impact on the business of companies of all sizes. Many companies are experiencing difficulties in  their supply chain which also results in  liquidity problems. In order to soften this impact,  the European governments have already announced and adopted extensive measures. 

For example, in Germany, the following  measures for companies have already been put  into place:

  (1) Employers may apply for short-time  allowance. This allowance is publicly  funded, allows the reduction of worked hours and helps to avoid dismissals of employees and insolvencies of companies.

  (2) Employers can ask for generous tax deferrals which supports their company’s  liquidity. 

(3) The obligation to file for insolvency within the time limit set by the law (three weeks after the commencement of insolvency or overindebtedness, cf. Sec. 15a of the German Insolvency Statute) will  be suspended until 30 September 2020. 

Further measures such as direct financial  support (expansion of existing credit programs and additional special programs) for companies, especially for self-employed persons and small companies, is currently discussed and will be put in place within the  next days. 

The European Union announced a Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative with a volume of EUR 37 billion, ECB measures to provide liquidity to banks and EIB  instruments to help companies affected by the  coronavirus outbreak.


(1) 审阅所有销售合同的所有权(和其他担保物)保留条款以及不可抗力条款。

(2) 密切关注截止日期。请不要等待,应立即通知信用保险商或律师,采取适当的法律行动。

(3) 核实买方的财务情况,并与其沟通。如得知其有关资信可靠性或合同履行能力可能存在任何问题,应进行法律咨询,了解货物的交付是否可以中止,或是否可以获得充足的担保物,或合同是否可以宣告无效。


The foregoing serves as a general overview of the current situation which evolves daily. In order to keep the business with European trade companies as smooth as possible we have the following recommendations for Chinese exporters:

(1) Review all sales contracts with regards to Retention of Title (and other collaterals) and  Force Majeure clauses. 

(2) Observe due dates closely. Please do not wait and inform your credit insurer or your lawyer immediately in order to take the appropriate legal measures.  

(3) Check financial situation of Buyers and enter into communication. In case of negative information regarding creditworthiness or ability to perform the contract, take legal advice to check if the performance of the delivery can be suspended or if adequate collaterals can be obtained or if the contract can be declared avoided. 

(4) In case of conclusion of new delivery  contracts: make sure that risks are mitigated by careful contract drafting. It is especially important to agree to security rights – such as Retention of Title rights – so that your company will be protected against nonpayment. We also highly recommend to ask a specialized lawyer in international commercial law to help you draft the contract which corresponds exactly  to your needs.

2. 受新冠病毒疫情影响,中国供应商的主要法律义务

Principal legal obligations for Chinese  suppliers due to Covid-19 outbreak



The seller must immediately notify the buyer if  the goods cannot be produced and shipped in  time due to reasons related to Covid-19 (such as travel restrictions for employees etc.). If the  notice is not received by the other party within a reasonable time after the party who fails to perform knew or ought to have known of the  impediment, he is liable for damages resulting  from such non-receipt, cf. Art. 79 sec. 4 CISG.  Besides notifying the buyers (also in written form), discussing and negotiating with the contractual partners, we strongly advise to collect any evidence on the occurrence of the Force Majeure event, adopted mitigation measures and incurred own losses.

3. 新冠病毒:是不可抗力吗?

New EU rules for consumer protection (B2C)






It can be possible to qualify an epidemic such as  Covid-19 as a case of Force Majeure according to Art. 79 sec. 1 CISG. However, it is important  to note that many sales contracts contain a  Force Majeure clause which may modify the  legal conception. 

In both cases, however, it has to be determined on a case by case basis if the seller is exempt from performance due to Force Majeure. Therefore, there is no general answer to the question raised in the headline. 

Certificates issued by CCPIT (China Council for  the Promotion of International Trade) can be  recognized as circumstantial evidence for a case of Force Majeure. However, the courts are free  in their case-by-case assessment (is "force  majeure" applicable to the specific case?) and not bound to such certificate issued by foreign agencies. 

The certificate should precisely state the specific circumstances and exact timeline leading to the exporter’s impossibility to perform the contract. 

It is of utmost importance that Chinese exporters have a proper documentation on all circumstances such as administrative decisions or orders, domestic transportation restrictions, work prohibitions, quarantine orders etc. including the corresponding timeline.

4. 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(CISG):以国内法院的解释为准

United Nations Convention on Contracts for  the International Sale of Goods (CISG):  Subject to the interpretation by national  courts


例如,违约索赔权(《销售公约》第74条)不需要另一方存在过错。但受损方必须采取一切合理措施减轻损害。德国最近的一项判决中进一步澄清了,如果损害完全是因买方为减轻损害而采取的不合理措施所致,可以完全排除卖方的责任(参见OLG Naumurg, NJW2020,476)。


This Convention contains very relevant legal dispositions which apply to almost all sales contracts between Chinese sellers and European (or other) buyers. Almost all countries have ratified this Convention  (exceptions in Europe are notably the United  Kingdom and Portugal) which applies  automatically to an international sales contract  without further ado. 

For example, the right to claim damages for  breach of contract (Art. 74 CISG) does not require a fault of the other party. However, the injured party has to take all reasonable measures to mitigate the damage. In a recent  judgment in Germany, it has been further clarified that the liability of the seller can be completely excluded if the damage was only due to unreasonable measures of the buyer in order to mitigate the damages (cf. OLG  Naumburg, NJW 2020, 476). 

If the buyer alleges damages, it is therefore highly recommended to verify the legal situation with a lawyer well-versed in CISG.

5. 供应商可能因交付缺陷产品而对客户的破产承担责任

Supplier can be responsible for the  insolvency of a customer due to the shipment of defective goods





In a judgment of 27 November 2019, the Cour  de Cassation (highest French court) ordered a supplier (seller) to bear the financial  consequences of the insolvency of one of its  customers (buyer). 

The seller had supplied the customer with defective adhesive, which led to the recall of thousands of products and the almost complete loss of sales. The customer claimed damages from the supplier, who had always rejected the defectiveness and thus refused any compensation. In view of the economic and financial difficulties that this breach of contract had caused, the customer was forced to file for insolvency. The Court found a direct causality between the defective goods and the bankruptcy and therefore ordered the seller to  bear the financial consequences of the insolvency. 

In the case of damage claims due to defects, it may therefore be preferable to negotiate an amicable settlement, especially if the damages are so severe that they could be a cause for insolvency.

6. 中欧全面投资协定(CAI):正在进行谈判

Comprehensive Agreement on Investment  (CAI) between China and the EU: Ongoing  negotiations



Since 2013, the EU and China are negotiating  about a trade agreement in regards to mutual  investments which shall replace the current  bilateral agreements on the encouragement and reciprocal protection of investments (for example, the bilateral Agreement between  China and Germany dates from 2003). 

It is intended that negotiations on the CAI will be terminated in the course of 2020. We will closely monitor any developments hereto.

7. 欧洲最近的反倾销措施

Recent European Anti-Dumping Measures







a. 针对源自中国的线材的措施,将于2020年10月16日到期,

b. 针对某些晶粒取向扁形电硅钢的产品的措施,将于2020年10月31日到期,

c. 源自中国的乙酰磺胺酸钾的措施,将于2020年11月1日到期,

d. 对源自中国的无缝钢管的措施,将于2020年12月9日到期。

(1) The European Commission initiated anti-dumping proceedings concerning imports of aluminium extrusions originating in the P.R.C. The product subject to this investigation is bars, rods, profiles (whether or not hollow), tubes, pipes; unassembled; whether or not prepared for use in structures(e.g. cut-to-length, drilled, bent, chamfered, threaded); made from aluminium, whether or not alloyed, containing not more than 99,3  % of aluminium. 

(2) The European Commission imposed  definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of  steel road wheels originating in the P.R.C. The rates of the definitive anti-dumping duty  applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier  price, before duty, of the product are between 50.3 and 66.4%. The amounts already collected by way of the provisional anti-dumping duty shall be definitively  collected.

(3) The European Commission has decided to investigate the possible circumvention of the anti-dumping measures imposed on  imports of Monosodium glutamate (MSG) originating in the P.R.C. and to make such imports subject to registration. 

(4) The European Commission received a request for maintaining the (expiring) antidumping measures in force on the imports of citric acid originating in the P.R.C. 

(5) The European Commission informs that it is  not intended to impose provisional  measures in regards to certain polyvinyl alcohols originating in the P.R.C. but  continues investigations. 

(6) The European Commission notified that the  anti-dumping measures currently in place for 

a. wire rods originating in the P.R.C.  will expire on 16 October 2020,

b. certain grain-oriented flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel will expire on 31 October  2020, 

c. acesulfame potassium originating in the P.R.C. will expire on 01 November 2020, 

d. seamless pipes and tubes of iron  or steel originating in the P.R.C. will  expire on 09 December 2020 if no request for maintaining these measures  will be lodged in time.

8. 最近的重大破产程序

Recent European Anti-Dumping Measures


–Matrix GmbH和

–Fintyre集团(包括Tyre 1,Reifen 24,RS Exklusiv,Secura,SW Reifenhandel,TyreXpert,Reiff Reifen和Autotechnik等德国子公司)


These companies with a turnover of more than  50M € filed for insolvency: 

- Matrix GmbH and 

- Fintyre Group (including German subsidiaries such as Tyre 1, Reifen 24, RS Exklusiv, Secura, SW Reifenhandel, TyreXpert, Reiff Reifen and Autotechnik) .

More insolvencies than usual are expected due to the Covid-19 outbreak.The EU and European countries have already announced  substantial measures to soften the economic  impact.


For more information: 

DS Graner Lawyers Avocats 

Griegstraße 27 B 70195 Stuttgart / Germany 

Tel.: +49 711 16260 - 0  Fax: - 18


This Newsletter is provided for general informational purposes only. Any information contained herein should not be construed as legal advice and is not intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter.


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